Bengaluru Man Nikith Shetty Fired For Acid Attack Threat Against Influencer Over Clothing Choice

Bengaluru Man Nikith Shetty Fired For Acid Attack Threat Against Influencer Over Clothing Choice

Nikith Shetty, a business development professional in Bengaluru, was fired from Etios Services. He threatened a famous social media influencer with an acid attack because of her clothes. The influencer’s husband, Shahbaz Ansar, a journalist, told the police and shared the threat on social media.

Bengaluru Man Nikith Shetty Fired For Acid Attack Threat Against Influencer Over

Key Takeaways

  • Nikith Shetty, a Bengaluru-based business development professional, was fired from his job at Etios Services for threatening a social media influencer with an acid attack over her choice of clothing.
  • The influencer’s husband, Shahbaz Ansar, a journalist, reported the threat to the authorities and shared a screenshot of the threatening message on social media.
  • The incident has sparked outrage across social media, highlighting the need for better protection and support for women subjected to such threats.
  • Etios Services took swift action by terminating Shetty’s employment, sending a strong message against such unacceptable behavior.
  • The Bengaluru Police are currently investigating the case, underscoring the importance of holding perpetrators accountable for their actions.

Bengaluru Man Nikith Shetty Fired For Acid Attack Threat Against Influencer Over

Etios Services Terminates Employee for Threatening Statement

Etios Digital Services quickly acted after Nikith Shetty made a disturbing threat. They fired him for five years. The company said his actions were against their values and harmed women’s safety.

Nikith Shetty, from Bengaluru, threatened to throw acid on a social media influencer. His threat caused a big stir online. Etios Services took action fast.

Husband of Influencer Takes Action, Files Police Complaint

The influencer’s husband, Shahbaz Ansar, shared the threat on social media. He asked for quick help from the police. He was worried about his wife’s safety and wanted Shetty held accountable.

Etios Services also filed a case against Nikith Shetty. They made sure he faced legal consequences for his actions.

police complaint

“We take such threats very seriously and will not tolerate any form of harassment or violence against our employees or their families. Our swift action in terminating Nikith Shetty’s employment and filing a case against him demonstrates our commitment to upholding the highest standards of ethics and safety.”

This case shows how common online abuse is against influencers. The influencer gets at least 10 abusive messages every day. The police are working hard to make sure Shetty is held accountable.

Influencer Targeted for Her Choice of Clothing

A Bengaluru-based social media influencer, Khyati Shree, faced a scary threat from Nikith Shetty. Shetty, who lost his job, sent Shree a message. He threatened to throw acid on her face for her clothes in Karnataka.

Shree was upset, saying it’s sad a man got upset over her clothes. She also found it disturbing to be expected to dress as someone else wants. Her husband quickly filed a police complaint against Shetty for the threat.

Shetty’s Message Threatened Acid Attack for Not Dressing “Properly”

Shetty’s message to Shree was a threat of an acid attack for her clothes. This has caused a lot of anger on social media. Many are upset about the disrespect for a woman’s right to choose her clothes.

“Expecting me to dress according to someone else’s preferences is quite disturbing. A man getting offended by my choice of clothing is just sad.”

Khyati Shree’s words highlight the need to respect people’s choices in clothes. She believes everyone should be free to express themselves without fear of violence or threats.

influencer targeted for clothing choice

Company’s Swift Response and Commitment to Women’s Safety

Etios Services quickly condemned Nikith Shetty’s actions, calling them “absolutely unacceptable.” The company said they went against their core values. They immediately fired Shetty for five years and filed a case against him.

The company made it clear they value a safe and respectful work environment. Etios Services said they are committed to women’s rights and safety. They have a strict no-tolerance policy for harassment or threats.

“We are deeply disturbed by the incident and want to send a strong message that such actions will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Our company is committed to creating a safe and inclusive workspace for all, and we will not hesitate to take decisive action against those who disregard our values.”

Etios Services showed they care about their employees’ well-being, especially women. They are ready to protect them from harm. This shows their strong commitment to women’s safety and their etios services swift response to such incidents.

Key Highlights Details
Termination of Employee Nikith Shetty’s employment was terminated for a period of five years.
Legal Action Taken Etios Services filed a case against Nikith Shetty to ensure accountability.
Commitment to Women’s Safety The company emphasized its zero-tolerance policy towards harassment and its dedication to creating a safe and inclusive workspace.

Social Media Outrage and Public Outcry

Nikith Shetty threatened an acid attack on an influencer over her clothes. This quickly caused outrage on social media. Shahbaz Ansar, the influencer’s husband, used online channels to share the news.

He tagged the deputy chief minister and the city police in his posts. This move got a lot of attention and support from many people.

Ansar’s posts were very impactful. They helped to condemn Shetty’s actions and call for justice. The public’s reaction was strong, leading to quick action from the authorities.

Etios Services, where Shetty worked, fired him because of his threat. This was a direct result of the public’s outcry and Ansar’s efforts.

Husband’s Posts Prompt Action from Authorities

Ansar’s hard work on social media was key in getting the authorities to act fast. His posts helped to build a strong public outcry. This outcry was crucial in making Etios Services take action against Shetty.

They fired him and filed a case against him for his threats. This shows how social media can push for change and accountability.

Legal Consequences and Accountability

Etios Services quickly acted after the disturbing incident. They fired Nikith Shetty and took legal action against him. The company knew Shetty’s threats were serious and wanted to hold him accountable.

Etios Services filed a case against Nikith Shetty. This shows their commitment to fighting threats. They want to make it clear they won’t tolerate harassment or violence, especially against women.

Shetty now faces serious legal consequences. The authorities in Bengaluru are investigating. They aim to bring Shetty to justice and protect women’s safety online and at work.

This incident has led to talks about stricter laws and harsher penalties. It shows we need to keep up with the digital world. Social media can hide people who harass and intimidate.

The case against Nikith Shetty is being watched closely. People want justice and accountability. The outcome will set a precedent for future cases. It highlights the need for a safer digital world for everyone.


The case of Etios Digital Solutions shows how important it is to act fast against bad online behavior. Companies now see the need to stand up for their values and protect their image. This is true even when employees post something wrong on social media.

This event is a reminder for businesses to make clear rules for social media use. They should also train their workers on what’s okay to post online. By watching how people talk about their brand and acting quickly, companies can avoid big problems. Shetty’s case shows that such behavior won’t be ignored.

In today’s digital world, it’s key for both workers and bosses to stay alert and act professionally online. By promoting good social media habits, companies can keep their reputation safe. They also protect their workers and make sure everyone feels welcome and safe.


What happened to Nikith Shetty?

Nikith Shetty, a professional in Bengaluru, lost his job at Etios Services. This was due to a threat he made on social media. He threatened a social media influencer with acid over her clothes.

What was the nature of the threat made by Nikith Shetty?

Shetty sent a scary message to the influencer’s husband. He wrote, “Hey b#$@, tell your wife to dress better in Karnataka. Or else, I might throw acid on her face.”

How did Etios Services respond to the incident?

Etios Services fired Nikith Shetty for five years. They also filed a case against him. They said his actions were “absolutely unacceptable” and against their values.

What was the influencer’s reaction to the threat?

Khyati Shree, the influencer, was upset. She said it’s sad when a man gets upset by her clothes. She also found it disturbing to be expected to dress for others.

How did the public and authorities respond to the incident?

People on social media were outraged. The influencer’s husband’s posts got a lot of attention. They tagged the deputy chief minister and the city police, leading to quick action.

What were the legal consequences for Nikith Shetty?

Besides losing his job, Etios Services also filed a case against him. This was to make sure he faced consequences for his threatening behavior.

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